Language Planning Committee

Update 4/20/2004

Grants for Proficiency Assessment

Michele met with Manka, Julia, and Paul on April 7 to talk about possible UW interest in submitting a grant proposal for a longer term study of language proficiency (e.g., through Spencer Foundation). Paul also brought the Research Agreement that Mercedes Rico from Spain had sent to the UW (which has now been signed by Dean of Humanities, Michael Halleran). The project suggested by Mercedes Rico entails some type of proficiency assessment to determine a base-line for language (for the children in Spain learning English and the children in Seattle learning Spanish). Julia suggested some Linguistics graduate students who might be interested. Manka suggested that Paul send out an email to College of Education grad students to see if any of them would be interested in this research.

As far as the Spencer Foundation grant, Julia and Manka suggested that we might contact Patricia Kuhl and Andrew Meltzoff of the Institute for Learning and Brain Science. Both Manka and Julia had grants earlier from the Institute to support their research projects at the John Stanford International School. Although we don't know that the Institute would have funding for any new projects, they might still be able to support this effort in some way. Michele will work on making contact with them.

Meanwhile, Paul has had nearly a dozen College of Ed students respond with interest regarding the Mercedes Rico project. He is meeting with them now to determine a match, and will then follow up with the Stanford school. Maria, K-1 Spanish teacher at Stanford, indicated that she will be in Spain this summer, and might be able to meet with Mercedes Rico to talk about the project.

Language Immersion Resource Page

Following the March 20 WAFLT Conference, which featured an Immersion Strand for immersion teachers this year, we set up a listserv for the immersion teachers to exchange ideas, questions, and suggestions. It is If you'd like to subscribe to it, contact

We have also added an Immersion Resource page to the International Education Washington website:  We hope to gather information about immersion programs in our area, plus provide links to resources of common interest.

Upcoming Conference on Pathways to Bilingualism

We have heard that Michael Bacon and Atsuko Ando from Portland School District (Japanese immersion program) will be attending and presenting at this conference:

Pathways to Bilingualism: Evolving Perspectives on Immersion Education

October 21-23, 2004 Radisson-Metrodome Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Featured Speakers: Fred Genesee, Kathryn Lindholm-Leary, Roy Lyster, Myriam Met, Merrill Swain

Hopefully, we can learn from them when they return.

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