Usability Results
from Michele Anciaux Aoki 5/31/2004  - revised

Usability Test with
Dennis Yamashita
   Date 5/31/2004
Tamara Leonard
     Date 6/3/2004
Kate Green
           Date 6/28/2004 in Rhode Island


Home page

Script: We're going to begin the usability test by just opening the site and looking at how it's organized. I'll ask you to do a few simple tasks. Feel free to "guess" at what to do or how to do it. There are no right answers. Also, if you can, verbalize what you're thinking while you're doing it. I'll be taking notes so I can go back and see where the confusing things are in the site. This will help us make it much easier to use.

Open the site:  What's the first thing you're inclined to do when you view this page?



(Capture general impressions.)

DY: Scroll down to see what's on the home page.
Title makes me think it's about International Education, but text is English-only with Caucasian child in the photo. It has a U.S. focus, i.e. what schools in U.S. have an international focus. Not sure why the Asia Society logo is there (is this sponsored by Asia Society?).

TL: Read it, check the news; not inclined to scroll down to the bottom to see other links

KG: Glancing around; see International Ed box; looks cluttered; News in white stands out; scan page for "nuggets" (next options); friendly pallette

What would you expect to find in the section called INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION?



(Do they notice links to the ISSUES topics? Do they read the text first?)

DY: Expect most current information. This would change weekly or monthly.

TL: Yes, expects general summary with a definition of international education. Wonders about what's this initiative.

KG: Scan, tend to skip text. suggest putting links at top above text.

What would you expect to find in the section called COMMUNICATION TOOLS?  (TITLE is now gone -- MA 7/11/2004)



(Do they connect them with any other links on the page?)

DY: Help me connect with organizations. (Still not quite clear what this site is about.)

TL: Hard to find the heading; expects to find multi-media type things, books, lectures, videos, things to download.
Wants to click to page called "Communication Tools." Not sure what Digest or Survey are. Items don't seem to go together

KG: Doesn't see the title (the box and colors were not clear on her PC)

What would you expect to find in the section called NEWS?



(Do they realize that the press clippings link will take them to the NEWS page?)

DY: Newsworthy info -- anything about International Education in the U.S. (then looked at specific items on private corporations funding schools and opening new schools)

TL: Makes complete sense. Would expect items to change from time to time and for there to be an archive.

KG: Expect it to change regularly; "news should be new"

What would you expect to find in the More... of the INTERNATIONAL STUDIES SCHOOLS section?



(What do they suggest?)

DY: Where are there international studies schools around the U.S., i.e. close to where I'd live. I'd expect a map to select a state or region then link to specific schools.

TL: Didn't expect it to be about the Gates Schools. Seems a bit biased. Would have thought of links to International Schools abroad (e.g., Bangkok).

KG: Expect descriptions of multiple kinds of international schools; since it's a Spotlight area, would expect content to change (from time to time)

What do you think the NATIONAL INITIATIVES are about?



(Do they go to the National Coalition link? Do they see the four links below as related?)

DY: National vs. specific State initiatives. Congressional Testimony makes sense. Not sure what College Board is and how it relates to AP tests. Why is Goldman Sachs link repeated?

TL: OK; notices repeat of Goldman Sachs link; might want to click on the pictures.

KG: In scanning, relationship between links and National Initiatives not quite clear; it's above the fold (that's good -- it's a problem having so much content below the fold); need something to pull people down the page with text or links

What do you think the STATE INITIATIVES are about?


back to top

(Do they go to the State Initiatives link? Do they see the four links below as related?)

DY: Yes, does group the links below with the larger heading (although line between National and State sections is pretty subtle). Links sound like they're associated with State initiatives.

TL: OK; add link to that evaluates schools in an "objective" way.

KG: Maybe distinguish the State & National palettes (so they seem like different categories)

What would you expect to find in (was Advocacy Tools) Publications? Who would these be for?



(Do they go to the page? Is it what they expected?)

DY: Not sure what first image is of [I think it's NY 911 - MA] and why is Colin Powell there? Is this about Iraq?

TL: Would expect to find who to contact for issues, e.g., how to contact Congressman; Info on national resolution

KG: Expects a list rather than explanation; wants quick links to the publications at the top

What would you expect to find in Digest? Who would these be for?



(Do they go to the page? Is it what they expected?)

DY: How is this different from the News section above? Not sure what is in the Digest.

TL: Expect to find out how to get on newsletter list (doesn't sound interesting)

KG: Not good term -- doesn't signal anything. Maybe Announcements?

What would you expect to find in Classroom Resources? Who would these be for?



(Do they go to the page? Is it what they expected?)

DY: Would expect to find specific help on international studies and resources (not just links). Maybe rename: Classroom Resource Links?

TL: Yes, sounds like materials from Asia Society to download and use. This is the most useful section for teachers. Make website links live. Likes it, but would like a Quick Links list with just the links (without descriptions). Make it more user friendly

KG: Well put together; links at top helpful; link needs to be in International Ed section (e.g., How to incorporate International Ed into my classroom)

What would you expect to find in Success Stories? Who would these be for?



(Do they go to the page? Is it what they expected?)

DY: Appropriate

TL: Patting self on the back. For her, achievements are not interesting; better to have info on how you solved difficult problems.

KG: Happy teachers have incorporated Intl Ed; how Intl Ed has made a difference fro students, teachers, communities

Look at the navigation menu at the footer. What do you think is the relationship between those links and the other content (links) on the home page?



(Do they see a relationship?)

DY: Seems like a repeat of links above, but doesn't see what are the goals. Is Get Involved like How Can I Help? (What's the difference?) Wants to see info about what this organization is, how it's funded much at the top (not scroll down to bottom menu). Links under Schools seem like a hodge-podge.

TL: Highlights in red what I've looked at. Focus seems to be on Asia (i.e. two items on China) -- is that because of who is sponsoring the site?

KG: Heavy; doesn't like to have to scroll down to find these links. Relationship between footer links and header not clear (header links are too graphical -- not clear that they are content links); misses not having a left nav

What would you expect to see if you click on Who We Are?



(Do they know who "owns" this site? Who do they expect to find out about here?)

DY: Text says "directed by Asia Society" -- what does that mean? Unclear relationship. Lot of words but doesn't say much (good text for a grant application!). Why is the focus on teaching about Asia if this site is Comment about Sept. 11 is gratuitous.

TL: Expects blurb about Asia Society (sees the logo). Didn't expect it at the beginning (surprised to see Asia Society involved with international ed). Looks like a new org ( is affiliated with Asia Society. Maybe need some FAQs to explain this?

What would you expect to see if you click on Contact?



(Do they click on the link? Do they expect an email form? Is it disorienting to be on the same page as Who We Are?)

DY: Put on top of page. Expect to get to new page (not just bookmark on Whoweare). Would expect more info, such as people's name, PR person, etc.

TL: How to email, write, or call the Asia Society. Wants a name to contact. Way more info here than expected and info is "eduspeak" "blurby."

Go back to the top of the page now. Looking at the top navigation bar, what would you expect to find if you click on THE ISSUES?



(Do they predict finding the (Spotlight) What is International Ed topics?)

DY:  How is this different from the Feature (on the home page) or news or initiatives?

TL: Doesn't know; yes, once it was pointed out. Saying the same thing with different hooks.

KG: State and National links are missing

Looking at the top navigation bar, what would you expect to find if you click on LEARN MORE?



(Do they go to the page? Do they think these are resources? (Or how are they different from resources?)

DY: Looks like the "meat" of the site, the "main course." Needs to be more grabby. Needs to see something about the website first. Expect more on 

TL: Broad, learn more in detail? Why a big thing on the states? (This is not the States link.) Likes specific focus on Kansas.

Looking at the top navigation bar, what would you expect to find if you click on GET INVOLVED?


back to top

(Do they go to the page? Do they see these as different from Advocacy Tools?)

DY: Expect how I could help with International Education, such as funding, support, etc. On the page itself there is important info that sounds like "Who we are." This should be in an About Us overview section. Right now it's hidden. (Most people won't go to GET INVOLVED.)

TL: Expects Advocacy, Help, Volunteer Opportunities, Mailing list, more personal (local). Wants spotlight on (link with video).


Script: Let's now take a closer look at some of the specific pages on the site. We'll begin by clicking on THE ISSUES link in the top navigation bar.

Is it clear to you why this page is called THE ISSUES?



(In progress)

KG: Confusing. Need "What is international ed?" (not just what is

Go to the What is page. What would you expect to find out here?



(Do they think this is about the website or International Ed?)

DY: Asia Society's role is unclear. This info (about the website) should be more prominent, e.g., on home page.

TL: Put on top nav maybe? Wants to know up front what the bias of the website is (e.g., leftist/rightest). Wants to check for partisan slant.

From the What is page, how would you find out why international education is important?



(Do they scroll to the bottom to find the link? Or go back to home page?)

DY: Bring this info to the top higher up. [It was hard to find the link on the bottom to Why...]

Let's go to the Why does international education matter page. What other ISSUES pages do you think there are?



(Do they scroll to the bottom to find the link (not there)? Or do they go back to the home page)? Or do they see the links in GO TO on this page?)

DY: Looks like grant application text (too dense for the web).

Next we're going to go to the Who is involved? page. What would you expect to find there?



(Do they suggest a description of ?? (National Coalition, Asia Society, etc.) or a list of members or ??)

DY: Wanted to see what other organizations are involved, but this page just talked about Asia Society. It's still confusing what Asia Society's role is (sponsor? director?).

Look at the links at the bottom (of Who is involved?). Where would you expect to go if you click Asia Society, National Coalition, or States?




(Do they suggest going to an external site (i.e. for Asia Society) or a page describing each of those entities? Do they make connection with National Coalition and States Initiatives links on the home page?)

DY: Confusing. National Coalition link should actually be the content of Who is involved. Is the States link the same as State Initiatives? (What's the difference?)

Now let's go to the What are the goals? page. What would you expect to find there?



(How do they get there? Back to Why... or home page? to find the link? or site-links in bottom nav?)

DY: Got there from home page. (Struggled to find links on any other page, and never thought to try the ISSUES link at the top.) Is this a program or initiative? This info is critical -- should be more prominent (e.g., on home page).

Finally, let's go to the How Can I Help? page. But first, what would you expect to find there? What's the difference between this page and GET INVOLVED?



(How do they get there? Back to Why... or home page? to find the link? or bottom nav?)

DY: How Can I Help sounds too personal because the page talks about roles for different stakeholder groups, i.e. what do others do?

TL: No one will read this. Too much text.


Script: Let's now take a closer look at some of the specific pages when you click on the LEARN MORE link in the top navigation bar.

Is it clear to you why this page is called LEARN MORE?



(Can they tell what content to expect on this page?)

TL: Confusing. Too much like State pages.


DY:  Clean looking, easy to navigate.


Dense website. So comprehensive, wordy; huge amounts of info (I might not take the time to read it all)

Watch for use of "America" to refer to US only.

Looks like international ed talking about itself (too much jargon).

Concerned about dial-up user getting quick access to the site. It reads more like a book. Not sense of "drive in, get out quickly." Suggests checking out average time spent on web pages to gauge usability.

Would like to see something like "How to start an International School"

How Can I help -- currently talks about helping

Think about Who is the audience; How do you want people to use it; How much time do they have?

Most useful:  Classroom Resources, Spotlight on Video, maybe State reports


Who we are -- expect to hear about the Coalition (not about

Key Question: What is International Ed? That's the Starting point because people tune out if they assume that international ed is only foreign study. Right now Intl Ed section is a "weak lead" on the home page.